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  • Prodej
  • Byt
  • 3+1, 3+kk, 4+1, 4+kk

Zobrazit všechny nabídky

Zobrazit všechny nabídky

Prodej bytu 3+1 • 147 m² bez realitkyPodskalská, Praha - Nové Město

Podskalská, Praha - Nové Město
Cena12 999 000 Kč

Tato nemovitost již od 55 128 Kč měsíčně s roční úrokovou sazbou od 4,89 %.

Nabízím ke koupi jedinečný byt, který se nachází v přímém sousedství Rašínova nábřeží na ulici Podskalská. Je to první byt, který se s touto výjimečnou dispozicí prodává za posledních 26 let. Jedná se o mezonetový byt, který byl zkolaudován po dvojité rekonstrukci v červenci 2017. Byt se pyšní dřevěnou terasou, která vede do vnitrobloku o celkové ploše 60,40 m. Terasa má přívod na 220 V i 380 V a je po celém boku osvětlena, což v noci nádherně podtrhuje celý prostor. Je připravena na Whirlpool, gril, pískoviště, popř. bazén. Dále bude rozdělena historickým zábradlím, aby nebyl narušen komfort bydlení.

Samozřejmostí je rozvod 380 V a 220 V. V bytě o rozloze 86,20 m je kompletně předělaná elektřina, kotel na rozvod topení, speciální Rekompilační jednotka v 1PP, která hlídá vlhkost i teplotu v celém bytě. Topení je zajištěno částečně pomocí radiátorů na 1.NP a příjemným topením v podlaze v 1.PP, které je hlídáno rozvaděčem teplot, aby byl zaručen komfortní stav.

Nová koupelna se sprchovým koutem, teplá voda zajištěna zabudovaným (skrytým) bojlerem, který je napojen na noční proud.

V bytě se nachází příprava na kuchyň, dřevěná vinotéka, veškeré nové podlahy v 1.PP, zachování parket na 1.NP, osvětlení bytu i terasy – vše bylo navrženo architekty pro daný prostor. Na vstupních dveřích je namontována bezpečnostní závora a dále je byt hlídán alarmem, který je napojen na bezpečnostní službu. Další bezpečnost zajišťuje kamerový systém v domě.

Byt je po kompletní rekonstrukci a předělán pod kontrolou stavebního úřadu a památkářů. Vše je zakončeno kolaudací a splňuje nejpřísnější bezpečnostní podmínky (čidla plynu, požáru ad.). Vše lze zároveň doložit stavební dokumentací a kolaudačním rozhodnutím. Veškeré vybavení a stavební úpravy jsou v záruce. Do 1 roku možnost převod do OV a možná úspora z daně z převodu.

Výhodou je blízkost veškerého dopravního spojení jako je metro – přímo na konci ulice, tramvaj – přímo za rohem domu. Velkou chloubou této lokality jsou vyhlášené Farmářské trhy na Náplavce, na kterých jste do 1 minuty. Tančící dům se nachází 3 min tramvají, Václavské náměstí pouze 8 min tramvají, nebo 4 min metrem. Nejznámější místa v okolí jsou PURE GELATO, restaurace bojující o Michelinskou hvězdu OLIVA, vinotéka Na Břehu Rhôny, Cafeterapie, Expres Tesco – vše dostupné do 1 min. Oplocené dětské hřiště je na okraji ulice v parku. Dominanta Vyšehrad je vzdálena 15 min pomalou chůzí, kde je nejkrásnější výhled na Prahu. Známý noční život na Náplavce není třeba více popisovat.

V blízkosti jsou i jesle 5 min od domu na Botičské ulici, Mateřská školka 4 min od domu na Trojické ulici, Základní Školy Na Botičské ulici 5 min, Vratislavově ul. 6.min, gymnázium Vyšehradská, VOŠ, SPŠ a SOŠ Technologie potravin přímo v ulici Podskalská.

Praktický lékař na ul. Podskalská, nemocnice Karlovo nám 6 min, nemocnice Svaté Alžběty 5min.

Jelikož se jedná o starý dům, který je součástí UNESCA, byl prodej pomocí realitních kanceláří stažen, kvůli spekulacím z realitního trhu a bude prodán pouze napřímo zájemci, který zde bude chtít opravdu bydlet. Nebudou počítány již žádné skryté poplatky. Měsíční nízké náklady jsou kalkulovány pouze dle evidenčního listu.

Nabídky, vzhledem k vysokému zájmu, jsou možné pouze elektronicky na níže uvedený email. Byt je v současnosti družstevní, a tak nepodléhá dani z nabytí nemovitosti. Převod do OV po dohodě s právníkem BD.

Právní servis je zajištěn, včetně doložení veškeré dokumentace u právníka BD. V případě zájmu pomůžeme zajistit úvěr.

I offer to buy a unique apartment, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Rašín's waterfront on Podskalská street. It is the first apartment to be sold with this exceptional disposition over the last 26 years. This is a duplex apartment which was approved after a double reconstruction in July 2017. The apartment boasts a wooden terrace that leads to the courtyard with a total area of ​​60.40 m. The terrace has a 220 V and 380 V supply and is illuminated along the side, which greatly enhances the room at night. It is prepared for Whirlpool, grill, sandbox, swimming pool. It will be further divided by historical railing so as not to disturb the comfort of living.

Of course 380 V and 220 V are supplied. An 86.20 m flat is completely redundant electricity, a heating boiler, a special 1PP Recompilation Unit that monitors humidity and temperature throughout the apartment. The heating is partly provided by radiators on the 1st floor and pleasant floor heating in the 1st floor, which is guarded by a temperature switch to ensure a comfortable condition.

New bathroom with shower, hot water provided with a built-in (hidden) boiler that is connected to the night stream.

In the apartment there is preparation for kitchen, wooden wine shop, all new floors in the 1st floor, maintenance of the 1st floor parquet, lighting of the apartment and terrace - all designed by the architects for the given space. A security bar is mounted on the entrance door and the apartment is guarded by an alarm that is connected to the security service. Additional security is provided by the camera system in the house.

The apartment is after complete reconstruction and rebuilt under the control of the building office and conservationists. Everything is finished with an approval and meets the strictest safety conditions (gas sensors, fire, etc.). All of this can be documented by the building documentation and the building approval decision. All equipment and building modifications are under warranty. Up to 1 year option to transfer to OV and possible savings from the transfer tax.

The advantage is the proximity to all transport connections such as the metro - directly at the end of the street, the tramway - just around the corner of the house. The great pride of this locality are the renowned Farmers' Market for the Náplavce, on which you are within 1 minute. The Dancing House is located 3 minutes by tram, Wenceslas Square only 8 minutes by tram

I offer to buy a unique apartment, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Rašín's waterfront on Podskalská street. It is the first apartment to be sold with this exceptional disposition over the last 26 years. This is a duplex apartment which was approved after a double reconstruction in July 2017. The apartment boasts a wooden terrace that leads to the courtyard with a total area of ​​60.40 m. The terrace has a 220 V and 380 V supply and is illuminated along the side, which greatly enhances the room at night. It is prepared for Whirlpool, grill, sandbox, swimming pool. It will be further divided by historical railing so as not to disturb the comfort of living.

Of course 380 V and 220 V are supplied. An 86.20 m flat is completely redundant electricity, a heating boiler, a special 1PP Recompilation Unit that monitors humidity and temperature throughout the apartment. The heating is partly provided by radiators on the 1st floor and pleasant floor heating in the 1st floor, which is guarded by a temperature switch to ensure a comfortable condition.

New bathroom with shower, hot water provided with a built-in (hidden) boiler that is connected to the night stream.

In the apartment there is preparation for kitchen, wooden wine shop, all new floors in the 1st floor, maintenance of the 1st floor parquet, lighting of the apartment and terrace - all designed by the architects for the given space. A security bar is mounted on the entrance door and the apartment is guarded by an alarm that is connected to the security service. Additional security is provided by the camera system in the house.

The apartment is after complete reconstruction and rebuilt under the control of the building office and conservationists. Everything is finished with an approval and meets the strictest safety conditions (gas sensors, fire, etc.). All of this can be documented by the building documentation and the building approval decision. All equipment and building modifications are under warranty. Up to 1 year option to transfer to OV and possible savings from the transfer tax.

The advantage is the proximity to all transport connections such as the metro - directly at the end of the street, the tramway - just around the corner of the house. The great pride of this locality are the renowned Farmers' Market for the Náplavce, on which you are within 1 minute. The Dancing House is located 3 minutes by tram, Wenceslas Square only 8 minutes by tram

I offer to buy a unique apartment, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Rašín's waterfront on Podskalská street. It is the first apartment to be sold with this exceptional disposition over the last 26 years. This is a duplex apartment which was approved after a double reconstruction in July 2017. The apartment boasts a wooden terrace that leads to the courtyard with a total area of ​​60.40 m. The terrace has a 220 V and 380 V supply and is illuminated along the side, which greatly enhances the room at night. It is prepared for Whirlpool, grill, sandbox, swimming pool. It will be further divided by historical railing so as not to disturb the comfort of living.

Of course 380 V and 220 V are supplied. An 86.20 m flat is completely redundant electricity, a heating boiler, a special 1PP Recompilation Unit that monitors humidity and temperature throughout the apartment. The heating is partly provided by radiators on the 1st floor and pleasant floor heating in the 1st floor, which is guarded by a temperature switch to ensure a comfortable condition.

New bathroom with shower, hot water provided with a built-in (hidden) boiler that is connected to the night stream.

In the apartment there is preparation for kitchen, wooden wine shop, all new floors in the 1st floor, maintenance of the 1st floor parquet, lighting of the apartment and terrace - all designed by the architects for the given space. A security bar is mounted on the entrance door and the apartment is guarded by an alarm that is connected to the security service. Additional security is provided by the camera system in the house.

The apartment is after complete reconstruction and rebuilt under the control of the building office and conservationists. Everything is finished with an approval and meets the strictest safety conditions (gas sensors, fire, etc.). All of this can be documented by the building documentation and the building approval decision. All equipment and building modifications are under warranty. Up to 1 year option to transfer to OV and possible savings from the transfer tax.

The advantage is the proximity to all transport connections such as the metro - directly at the end of the street, the tramway - just around the corner of the house. The great pride of this locality are the renowned Farmers' Market for the Náplavce, on which you are within 1 minute. The Dancing House is located 3 minutes by tram, Wenceslas Square only 8 minutes by tram

Parametry nemovitosti

Číslo inzerátu489836
Dostupné od1. 4. 2018
PENBC - Úsporná
Užitná plocha147
Typ budovyCihla

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